Monday, October 27, 2008

Tree Adventures

Went to Tree Adventures... It's this place where u hang around like monkeys but it's awesome as...
1st, about that ice-cream... We were on the way to the place but we stopped at this ice-cream place.. (because the last time we attempted to go to this shop, it was closed, and it ain't near..
was like 15mins away) it's near a farm, they grow their own strawberries and then make ice-cream/smoothies with it.. was really good...

Now back to the tree adventures... this place has like courses that u have to go through and each with it's own specific challenges. Though I really like the flying foxes (note, its plural) It reall
y reminds me of the wilderness adventure camp that I went back in 2004. But it ain't as hard as this...

The harness and all the equipment, was really coolz... makes me wanna go rock climbing again.
Some parts of the course are damn high... and it ain't nice looking down.. Strangely, you'll have this constant feeling that you'll slip and fall... :-s

Well, in the end, was all good... except for those extreme wedgies that i got from using the harness... :-s

note: the people in the pic are my cousins. I don't have much pic of myself on my own camera :-(

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